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Spice up the food a little, and live a healthier life

In our daily lives spices play a major role, from providing taste to help in the preservation of them. We consume spices each day as they make food more palatable. Some of us can’t even imagine how the food would taste if we remove spices from it, just imagine you remove red chilli from chilli paneer, what would it taste like- no spiciness at all which will lead to a failure of the product.

Well I am not here to talk about spices as a taste enhancer that I will discuss in another blog but I am here to talk about how these spices help you achieve a healthier life. So let’s begin →→

We already know some of the health-related properties of spices such as wound healing property of turmeric. These properties are now common knowledge but there are much to it. Most of the spices have fantastic properties which help in curing many diseases and also helps in leasing a healthy life.
These properties help in better digestion and absorption, fighting diabetes, anti-inflammatory, etc. So there is so much to it that we cannot imagine.

Better digestion/absorption using spices

So what actually, spices do have better digestion and absorption
  • Dietary spices stimulate the liver to secrete bile with higher bile salt content which facilitates dietary fat digestion and absorption.
  • Dietary spices stimulate the activity of all the prominent digestive enzymes produced and secreted by the pancreas. Enzymes like lipase, protease and amylase are among them which helps in digestion of fat, protein and starch/glycogen respectively.
  • Dietary spices stimulate terminal digestive enzymes of the small intestine. This include Disaccharidases and Dipeptidases.
So due to facilitation of digestion and absorption of food nutrients, food transition time in the GI tract is considerably lowered by dietary spices.
Roasted curry powder
Roasted curry powder

 Anti-diabetic Influence of spices

Before understanding the property of spices in fighting diabetes, it is necessary to know about what actually is diabetes…
Diabetes is a disease caused due to insulin deficiency which leads to the hyperglycaemia ( high level of sugar and glucose in the blood). I believe most of you now have a very basic understanding of diabetes.
So what actually spices do:
  • It suppresses the polyol pathway. In polyol pathway occurs due to excessive glucose present in the parts of the body. This pathway converts the glucose to sorbitol which is finally converted to fructose, fructose is not harmful to our body but sorbitol is, as sorbitol has a significant osmotic effect. In organs where sorbitol dehydrogenase is not present sorbitol is not converted into fructose leads to osmotic effect which is seen in eyes, kidney and nerve cells as diabetic retinopathy, diabetic nephropathy, diabetic neuropathy. So polyol pathway suppression helps in case of diabetes.
  • Inhibition of intestinal glucose intake which helps in the regulation of glucose level in blood.
  • It alleviates oxidant stress during diabetes and also suppress gluconeogenesis.
  • Spices also offer antioxidant protection which helps in delaying the cataractogenesis in diabetes and amelioration of severity of cataract (via inhibition of RAGE and polyol pathway)
Spices which provide these properties are Fenugreek seed, Onion, Garlic, Turmeric, Cumin seed, ginger, etc.
Fenugreek Seeds
Fenugreek Seeds 

Effect of spices on Low density Lipoprotein

Oxidization of LDL plays a major role in arteriosclerosis, but spices inhibit the oxidation of LDL and lowers the risk of arteriosclerosis. The spices which help in this inhibition are Turmeric, Red chilli, Garlic and Fenugreek seeds.
Red chilli, turmeric, mustard seed

Anti-Inflammatory Properties of Spices

So what is inflammation…? Inflammation is the body’s immune system’s response to an irritation caused by germs or any other foreign particle present in the wound. When the wound swells up, turns red and start hurting, inflammation might be there. So to reduce the inflammation and also to reduce the pain caused by inflammation we can use spices which have excellent properties and act as anti-inflammation agent. Well, let’s see…
  • Ginger also has the effect of anti-inflammation by reducing the arthritic knee pain.
  • Turmeric acts as an anti-Inflammation agent, this we have already observed.
  • Capsaicin has anti-inflammation properties on human arthritics.
By this, we have already seen 4 properties of spices which leads to a healthier life, but there is more to it, that I will share in another article/or I will update this one only... till then stay tuned.

Thanks for reading
comment down below and let me know what you think about spices.

If you are interested in fibre and how it helps in better digestion check out this article👍


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