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Juices tend to be fresh with a great aroma which not only attracts people but also helps them in staying healthy. There are many methods by which juices are extracted from fruits and vegetable, two of the most used method in the food industry are hot-pressed juices and cold-pressed juices. In hot pressed juices during extraction heat is being generated which results in oxidation of nutrients leads to nutrient loss. Well for the past few years the world is moving towards the cold-pressed juices which uses the high-pressure processing (HPP)  for juice extraction. Since no heat is formed or applied on the fruit which results in nutrient-rich juice.
cold press juice

With R&D in HPP technology, new innovative methods for the extraction of cold press juices are being launched in the industry. With this, the growth of this industry has been massive. People love to drink freshly pressed juices and these cold press juices provide the same feeling to the consumers.
Well now let's discuss the process of cold press juice.

Cleaning of raw material:

The raw material i.e fruits and vegetable are cleaned before they are sent for further processing. This is done to ensure that the juice extracted from these products is free from any type of contamination which ultimately results in fewer sales and also a huge loss for the manufacturer.

Peeling, cutting and coring:

This operation is meant for those fruits and vegetable which have inedible peel and core. The peel is removed in case of pineapple as its peel is not edible, but in case of apple since the peel is edible the peeling operation is not done instead the core is removed. So peeling and coring depends on the fruit and vegetable itself and also on the flavour changes which are observed.


After peeling, coring and removal of all unwanted materials from the fruits and vegetables we go for chopping them using a rotating blade which chops them nicely. the blade rotation speed is set at a speed which does not cause any heating, as heating results in nutrient loss. The chopped fruits and vegetables are then placed inside a cloth bag.


The cloth bag is put between two moving plates. These plates apply pressure over the bag results in the production of fresh juice. The amount of pressure applied depends on the machine and majorly a hydraulic pressing machine is used for pressing operation.


The pressed juice is collected in a sterile container.


The collected juice is filled inside the sterile bottles which are then labelled and send across the market for selling and making the consumer happy.

There are many things which we need to take care of when we are going through the process. Firstly, we should know wok in a sterile environment... even though due to HPP the microbes die but still precautions are always good. Secondly,  No heating should be provided in any step as it will destroy the essence of the whole process. Also if u are working in a plant then HACCP should be mentioned and followed to reduce any form of loss.

 Lastly, I would like the readers to leave a comment on any mistake and also suggest which process should I write in my next blog.
Also soon I will launch a doodle video on cold press juice on Instagram and youtube

Thank you for reading
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