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Showing posts from June, 2020



Juices tend to be fresh with a great aroma which not only attracts people but also helps them in staying healthy. There are many methods by which juices are extracted from fruits and vegetable, two of the most used method in the food industry are hot-pressed juices and cold-pressed juices. In hot pressed juices during extraction heat is being generated which results in oxidation of nutrients leads to nutrient loss. Well for the past few years the world is moving towards the cold-pressed juices which uses the high-pressure processing (HPP)  for juice extraction. Since no heat is formed or applied on the fruit which results in nutrient-rich juice. With R&D in HPP technology, new innovative methods for the extraction of cold press juices are being launched in the industry. With this, the growth of this industry has been massive. People love to drink freshly pressed juices and these cold press juices provide the same feeling to the consumers. Well now let's discuss the proce


Spice up the food a little, and live a healthier life In our daily lives spices play a major role, from providing taste to help in the preservation of them. We consume spices each day as they make food more palatable. Some of us can’t even imagine how the food would taste if we remove spices from it, just imagine you remove red chilli from chilli paneer, what would it taste like- no spiciness at all which will lead to a failure of the product. Well I am not here to talk about spices as a taste enhancer that I will discuss in another blog but I am here to talk about how these spices help you achieve a healthier life. So let’s begin →→ We already know some of the health-related properties of spices such as wound healing property of turmeric. These properties are now common knowledge but there are much to it. Most of the spices have fantastic properties which help in curing many diseases and also helps in leasing a healthy life. These properties help in better digestion and

Chocolate Processing

Chocolate is a happiness that you can eat  -Ursula kohaupt  As the above quote mentioned everyone loves to eat chocolate whether it is in liquid form, bar form, crunchy form and many more. It is becoming a food partner for many people all around the world. When people feel sad, happy or angry they prefer to eat chocolates as it lightens the mood and brings happiness in mind and heart of the people. So here I am specifying the process of chocolate manufacturing i.e. how the chocolate is manufactured. The chocolate manufacturing consists of 10 steps, out of these 10 steps 4 are done at the farm level and 6 are performed at the factory (processing plant) level.

Saturated Fat: A reason for reduced mental ability?

Love to eat fatty foods and can’t live without them, well here comes another problem associate with saturated fatty food which might discourage you to continue such a diet. The researchers from Ohio State University have performed an experiment to check whether high fatty food have any effect on the mental ability of a person. And well to their surprise, fatty food has an effect on short term mental ability of a person. In research the researchers make a test to measure the concentration, sustain attention and reaction time of a person. First, they make them complete the test with a normal diet and note the results which act as a baseline for further evaluation. Then the participants were made to eat high-fat food which was divided into two batches. One with high saturated fat and the other with low saturated fats (sunflower oil). The participants were made to wait for 5 hours after which they again give the test. And their performance was noted down. The result