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Indian Food Material Preference and why?

Hey Guys,
In this post, we are going to discuss some interesting facts about why people in India choose raw food materials over-processed or minimal processed ones.
Food PreferenceIn India people usually prefer Raw Food, ever wonder why... Why they prefer Raw food like fruits and vegetable over something which is easier to serve such as dried fruit or vegetables. Even though the processed food has a longer shelf life and after being cooked taste the same as Food cooked using the Raw food material. Still, people go for Raw food products. There are many different reasons for such, So let's see what they are ↓

Amount of food processed
Have you guys ever wonder these potato chips, juices, achar, etc. processed product you consume to consist of what % of total food in India. Well in India only 2-4% of the total produce (fruit and vegetable) is processed so with this little amount of processed food available when compared with 76% of raw produce available which one will u choose. Well, obviously the one available in bulk so if we are able to boost up the amount of processed food in % we will be able to deal with many problems related to food as well as change the mindset of people regarding processed food.

Impact on the quality of the product
Well, it is a well-known fact that even though processing increases the shelf life of the product but it also deteriorates the nutritive quality of the product which results in consumer myth that processed food is not at all good for health. Well, let me clear one fact even though the nutritive quality of food is deteriorated during processing it is not deteriorated to the point that it becomes unhealthy and all. When processing is done it is done by keeping in mind that we have to keep its nutritive properties intact, so I believe all those people who are having any misconception regarding the fact that processed food is unhealthy, they can relax as this is not the case.

Processed Food = Junk Food
This perception of people in India is one of the biggest obstacles that the processing sector has to face.
In India people usually think that processed food is junk food and as everybody knows the hype about how unhealthy and dangerous junk food is, processed food are also counted into it. Well for you guys let me make one thing clear that junk food is processed this is correct but its reverse is not true i.e. all the processed food are not junk in nature so please don't make a perception that the processed food is all junk.

Forefathers Viewpoint
Usually in India, people respect their forefathers and always follow their lead in each and every possible way. So what are forefathers used to eat 'raw produce' so it's like a mentality that we should always go with raw produce? Well, I agree with the point that the Raw produce is better than the processed produce but only if we consider some part of it. If we consider things like shelf life, texture, etc and in case of extracted produces individual nutritive property processed food wins.

I believe you guys might have already understood these factors and also the mentality of different people over their choices. Each food product is a god gift in one form or other, each has its own merits and demerits. Well let me share a fact that a total of 20-24% of fruits and vegetable produces in India is lost in way or other.... so if we are able to process even 50% of the lost food we will be able to boost our economy and also will be able to reduce the conditions of starving.
Thank you for reading the post.......
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