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Why sweet taste of sugary food diminishes as they cool down?

Have you ever notice when you bite a warm jalebi (Indian sweet), it fills your mouth with sweetness, but when you bite a jalebi taken out of the refrigerator, its sweetness decreases and it doesn’t have the same sweetness as before.

Ever wonder why this happens, what happened with the sweet taste of food… does it gets diminished or what? Does the sugar change its forms when cooled down or some other reaction happens? Well, let’s move to the answer to all these questions.

Well, it is not like sugar changes its structure or it reacts with other molecules to form something totally different. The amount of sugar (sweetness) remains the same even when we cool down a warm sweet. What happens is that as we cool down the food the delectability of sweetness decreases in human i.e. we found refrigerated food less delicious in term of sweetness.

Now there are many types of neuron cell’s present inside our body. The cold food has some effect on neuron cells. Since sweetness is detected by sugar neuron, many of you have this concept in mind that the sugar neuron might get affected due to cold food results in a reduction of sweet taste, well that’s not true. Temperature is not affecting the sugar neuron directly. The thing that affects the taste is ‘bitter’ and ‘mechanosensory’ neuron, these neurons are involved in the detection of coolness. Only when both neurons are activated at the same time the brain interprets a cool signal.

Now, how this cool signal effects the sweet taste? Well due to cool temperature, the bitter and mechanosensory neuron gets activated and due to activation of this these neuron, they suppress the communication between the sweet detecting neuron and the human brain. This effect is likely achieved by a neurotransmitter inhibitor released by bitter/cool-activated neurons.
So it is really interesting that it is neither sugar chemistry which results in this diminishing sweet taste neither sugar neuron, it is an indirect effect of other neuron suppressing the effect of sugar neuron results in diminishing sweet taste of cold food.

Thank you for reading.
Comment your views and queries.
Interested in Biodegradable packaging... check this out Chitosan

Journal Reference:
Qiaoran Li, Nicolas A. DeBeaubien, Takaaki Sokabe, Craig Montell. Temperature and Sweet Taste Integration in DrosophilaCurrent Biology, 2020; DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2020.03.066


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