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Spice up the food a little, and live a healthier life In our daily lives spices play a major role, from providing taste to help in the preservation of them. We consume spices each day as they make food more palatable. Some of us can’t even imagine how the food would taste if we remove spices from it, just imagine you remove red chilli from chilli paneer, what would it taste like- no spiciness at all which will lead to a failure of the product. Well I am not here to talk about spices as a taste enhancer that I will discuss in another blog but I am here to talk about how these spices help you achieve a healthier life. So let’s begin →→ We already know some of the health-related properties of spices such as wound healing property of turmeric. These properties are now common knowledge but there are much to it. Most of the spices have fantastic properties which help in curing many diseases and also helps in leasing a healthy life. These properties help in better digestion and...

Chocolate Processing

Chocolate is a happiness that you can eat  -Ursula kohaupt  As the above quote mentioned everyone loves to eat chocolate whether it is in liquid form, bar form, crunchy form and many more. It is becoming a food partner for many people all around the world. When people feel sad, happy or angry they prefer to eat chocolates as it lightens the mood and brings happiness in mind and heart of the people. So here I am specifying the process of chocolate manufacturing i.e. how the chocolate is manufactured. The chocolate manufacturing consists of 10 steps, out of these 10 steps 4 are done at the farm level and 6 are performed at the factory (processing plant) level.

Saturated Fat: A reason for reduced mental ability?

Love to eat fatty foods and can’t live without them, well here comes another problem associate with saturated fatty food which might discourage you to continue such a diet. The researchers from Ohio State University have performed an experiment to check whether high fatty food have any effect on the mental ability of a person. And well to their surprise, fatty food has an effect on short term mental ability of a person. In research the researchers make a test to measure the concentration, sustain attention and reaction time of a person. First, they make them complete the test with a normal diet and note the results which act as a baseline for further evaluation. Then the participants were made to eat high-fat food which was divided into two batches. One with high saturated fat and the other with low saturated fats (sunflower oil). The participants were made to wait for 5 hours after which they again give the test. And their performance was noted down. The result...


Food Wastage  is one of the most devastating problems that we need to deal with right now. Even during this crisis of COVID-19, the food wastage is still there. In India itself, the amount of food waste produced is a very large amount. If the number of waste products can be reduced then the problem of starving can be deal within itself. India is one of the major producers of food all over the world with being in 1st position in the production of wheat, fruits and vegetables, and many more commodities. But still, many don't even get to eat two times a day. So basically they are starving, and what do the so-called 'knowledgeable' people do? They end up throwing food that they don't like in the bins, thus producing 'food wastage'. Well, this practice is not only followed in India but also in other countries. According to stats from all over the world, a total of 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted globally each year i.e. one-third of the food products produced f...

Why sweet taste of sugary food diminishes as they cool down?

Have you ever notice when you bite a warm jalebi (Indian sweet), it fills your mouth with sweetness, but when you bite a jalebi taken out of the refrigerator, its sweetness decreases and it doesn’t have the same sweetness as before. Ever wonder why this happens, what happened with the sweet taste of food… does it gets diminished or what? Does the sugar change its forms when cooled down or some other reaction happens? Well, let’s move to the answer to all these questions. Well, it is not like sugar changes its structure or it reacts with other molecules to form something totally different. The amount of sugar (sweetness) remains the same even when we cool down a warm sweet. What happens is that as we cool down the food the delectability of sweetness decreases in human i.e. we found refrigerated food less delicious in term of sweetness. Now there are many types of neuron cell’s present inside our body. The cold food has some effect on neuron cells. Since sweetness ...

Fibre: The solution to have a good digestion

It is a well-known fact that a healthy body and a healthy mind both results in better functioning of the body including the digestion of food. Our digestive system is responsible for breaking down the food and convert it into smaller particles, so small that they can easily be absorbed by our body and further be converted into energy. But how one can have healthy digestion? Well, one answer is that one must have a healthy body in order to have healthy digestion. The other answer is that the food we eat also influence the digestion. For instance, dietary fibre, which is carbohydrates and is not digestible by our body enzymes, plays an important role in the process of digestion - as a catalyst. So it is important to add fibrous food in our diet to improve our digestion. Let’s go through food which improves the digestion This contains mainly the plant food as plant food are rich in fibre and must be a part of everyone’s daily diet. Whole Grain: Whole grains such as Ra...